NVMS Notes Home
September 3, 2024
Monday, September 2nd Labor Day, No School
Tuesday, September 3rd A Day
Wednesday, September 4th A Day
Thursday, September 5th B Day
Friday, September 6th B Day
Monday, September 9th A Day
Tuesday, September 10th A Day
Wednesday, September 11th B Day
Wednesday, September 11th Late Arrival, School starts at 10 AM
Thursday, September 12th B Day
Thursday, September 12th Picture Day!!!!!
Friday, September 13th B Day
A message from the principal:
We have some very specific goals we are working on at Nooksack Valley Middle School this year. We want to enhance our students' ability to communicate (student discourse and student to student talk) effectively across all subjects by focusing on the use of expressive language in every classroom. Our goal is to help students develop the skills to articulate their thoughts and ideas using the specific language of each subject, whether it's science, math, history, or the arts. By mastering academic language, students will not only excel in their current studies but also be better prepared to adapt these communication skills to their future professions and trades. We believe that by fostering these abilities now, we are equipping our students with essential tools for success in any career path they choose.
Throughout the year, I will share some of our goal areas and how they are taking shape at NVMS.
Joel VanderYacht
Student picture day:
O’Connor Photography sent out emails to all our families with a link to purchase pictures, if desired. If you did NOT receive the email, please contact the school office.
Here is a link you may also use: https://vando.imagequix.com/g1001144926#login
Annual Student Updates needed:
If you have not already done so, please log onto Skyward and complete your student’s Annual Student Update. This is where you can update emails, phone number and emergency contacts, verify other information as well as complete the annual forms we are required to ask for (Military, Opt Out, etc.). Please complete this ASAP.
ASB Purchases:
Purchasing an ASB allows students free entry into all Nooksack Valley High School home games in regular season. ASB is $30 for 7th and 8th grade, $15 for 6th grade. Students may make purchases at the school office before school and during their lunch. The till closes at 1:00PM.
There are reduced rates. If you received a pink and yellow form from the District Office, you may show them at the school office for a reduction of district fees.
Cell Phone Policy Changes
This year we will be making a few changes to our school handbook. One of those changes will be that cellphones will not be allowed out on campus until the end of the school day at 2:15. This change is being made for several reasons as research is showing the many harmful effects of cellphones, social media, and the constant pressures those bring on our youth. We have had several incidents of students using their cellphones to post pictures (without permission), bully and harass other students while at school. With our focus on ensuring NVMS is a safe place for our students to grow and learn, we have made the decision to not have cell phones available during the school day. We hope you as parents will support us in this change as the intent is to make it easier for our teachers to teach and our students to learn.
A suggested book for any parent of a middle school student: The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
All athletes must be cleared before they can practice (or pick up gear). All fall sports begin on the first day of school.
Boys’ soccer
Girls’ fastpitch
Cross Country (XC)
ASB may be purchased by itself (not tied with sports). If your student is purchasing anything or clearing for sports, that should be done before school or during their lunch. The till is not open after lunch (1:00pm). Purchase of an ASB will allow free entry to all home sporting events at our high school.
Breakfast and lunches are free to all students this year.
We encourage students get a PE locker to secure items.