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High / Middle Schools

Please note: Departure time indicates the time the buses will depart from the bus garage and the approximate times for each stop on the emergency route. Buses WILL stop along these routes where students are waiting.

Bus #1, Lori Depart Time: 7:00 am
All stops on Everson-Goshen Rd. from Pole Rd. to Everson Bridge.
7:05 Pole Rd. @ turn-around (calf farm) 7:08 Pole Rd. & Mecklem Rd.
7:10 Pole Rd. & Everson-Goshen Rd. 7:12 Everson-Goshen Rd. & Aspen
7:15 Everson City Park (Lincoln St.) 7:20 Reeds Lane & Blair Dr.


Bus #6, Kelli Depart Time: 7:00 am
All stops on Main St. in Everson to schools.
7:07 Riverside Park 7:10 Everson-Goshen Rd. & Sable Dr.
7:12 Sable Terrace & Chestnut 7:16 Everson Rd. & Strandell St.
7:17 Everson Rd. & Roeder St. 7:20 Main St. Everson to Cenex


Bus #8, Bill Depart Time: 6:58 am
All stops on Mission Rd.
7:07 Mission & Central 7:11 Mission & Pole
7:13 Mission & Sulwhanon Dr. 7:15 Mission & Suchanon


Bus #11, Kurt Depart Time: 7:03 am
All stops on Cherry, Garfield and Sumas Ave. to schools.
7:03 Sumas Elementary 7:05 Sumas Ave. to Garfield
7:07 Garfield to Cherry (Main) 7:11 E. Badger to Clearbrook
7:13 E. Badger to schools


Bus #9, Mike Depart Time: 7:00 am
All stops on South Pass, all stops north of Nooksack Post Office on Nooksack Ave. (Hwy. 9)
7:07 South Pass & Goodwin 7:12 South Pass & Hertel Way
7:15 Nooksack Ave. North of Post Office


Bus #20, Natalie Depart Time: 6:55 am
All stops on E. Badger, west of High School, to schools.
7:13 E. Badger & Trapline Rd. 7:15 E. Badger & Van Buren
7:18 E. Badger to schools


Bus #22, Rhonda Depart Time: 6:55 am
All stops on Everson-Goshen Rd. from Tiger Construction to Auction Barn.
7:05 Tiger Construction 7:10 Everson-Goshen & Pole Rd.
7:13 Everson-Goshen & Auction Barn 7:16 Everson Meadows


Bus #17, Debby Depart Time: 6:55 am
All stops from Hopewell Rd. (Hwy. 9) to Cenex.
7:08 Hopewell Rd. & Hwy. 9 7:11 Massey Rd. & Hwy. 9
7:16 Hwy 9 & Cenex 7:17 Nooksack Ave. w/ stops @ Harrison, Garfield, Jackson & Madison
  Hwy. 9 to High School


Bus #23, Teri Depart Time: 6:45 am
All stops on Reese Hill Rd., Frost Rd. to South Pass to schools
7:00 Reese Hill Rd. & Frost Rd. 7:03 Frost to South Pass (when possible)
7:15 Reese Hill & Hillview Rd. 7:23 Sumas Elementary to High School