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Substitute Information

Substitute applications are available in paper at the District Office ONLY at this time.

Substitutes may apply for regular positions at any time by following the instructions for regular employment.

Available substitute  jobs will be posted on the Ready SUB system.

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If you have any questions please feel free to call or e-mail the Nooksack Valley District office at 360-988-4754 or 


CERTIFICATED application requirements:

  1. A completed paper or online application
  2. Pre Hire paperwork is submitted 
  3. Verification of a fingerprint background check through OSPI within the last two years. (applicants expense)
  4. Fingerprints for the Nooksack Valley School District are done at the district office located at 3326 East Badger Road, Everson.  Please call (360) 988-4754 for an appointment.
  5. Copy of Washington State Certification
  6. Emergency Substitute Certification is granted on a case by case basis

You will be considered for substitute work only if the materials requested in 1 - 5 above are submitted to the District Office.


CLASSIFIED Application Requirements:
(para educators, administrative assistants, custodial, maintenance, kitchen):

  1. A completed paper or online application
  2. Pre Hire paperwork is submitted
  3. Verification of a fingerprint background check through OSPI within the last two years. (applicants expense)
  4. Fingerprints for the Nooksack Valley School District are done at the district office located at 3326 East Badger Road, Everson.  Please call (360) 988-4754 for an appointment.
  5. Food handlers card (for cooks and kitchen personnel)

You will be considered for substitute work only if the materials requested in 1 - 5 above are submitted to the District Office.