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Message from the Superintendent

Hello Nooksack Valley!

We are, as always, excited about our renewed opportunity and privilege to work with our communities' children.  We began this year like all others, with a strong sense of optimism, hopefulness, and confidence that together we can ensure that all children in our charge will succeed and excel in school.  We are also challenged to find new ways to ensure that all students are career, college, and citizenship ready upon graduating from our school system.  With our strong belief that effective instruction is a key variable in student success, our already strong staff and schools continue to seek and find new ways to learn and improve.

Of course parents are our children’s first “teachers”.  High expectations and support for your children’s learning and development is vital, as is modeling the enjoyment of lifelong learning.  Contact your school to learn more about how you can best partner with us to ensure the success of all children.  We are looking forward to and appreciate the opportunity to work with our communities' children once again.  If you are new to our community, welcome to Nooksack Valley.  If you are not new, welcome back.  Let's get started!


Our Vision
The mission of the Nooksack Valley School District is to "Ensure the Success of All Students." By this we mean that all students graduate from high school prepared for college, careers, and citizenship. In order to accomplish this mission, we have six focus areas.


Ensuring that our instructional models and best practice knowledge are evident in every classroom every day


Ensuring that the curriculum is aligned from kindergarten through high school.


Using student information on a frequent basis to improve teaching and learning


Professional Learning Communities
Ensuring that we have collaborative adult learning communities to improve teaching and learning, with a focus on student achievement results in place in all buildings


Community Engagement
Engaging our community of students, staff, families, and other citizens in a new conversation about our current reality, the need for change, our mission, and plans to realize that mission, with particular emphasis on high school redesign


Student Support Systems
Ensuring that we have support in place for students not meeting standards
All schools are also developing support systems for students not meeting standards and providing time for teachers to meet together to focus on student success through improvement of curriculum, assessment, and instructional practices.


District OSPI Report Card

Click this website link To receive the most current statistical data provided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, including WASL results, student demographics, district revenues and expenditures, and more.