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Student Enrollment Information


If you are unsure about which of our three elementary schools your child would attend, please click on the link below to see a map of the building boundaries.


Elementary School Boundary Map


Please note: Families may be required to provide Proof of Residency within the NVSD before the Enrollment application can be processed and/or finalized.

Choice Transfers / Non Resident Transfers

In order for a non-resident student (living outside of Nooksack Valley’s boundaries) to attend one of Nooksack’s schools, a Choice Transfer Request must be submitted to the school district and accepted by school administration.

** The quickest way is to complete the request form online, located at Choice Transfers.


The other option would be to complete a Choice Transfer Form and turn it in to your resident school district office for processing. Forms are available at Nooksack’s district office or available for download below:  


Forms can be dropped off Monday-Friday from 7:30 to 4:00 at our district office:

Nooksack Valley School District
3326 E. Badger Rd.
Everson, WA 98247


If you have any questions regarding non-resident transfers, please contact Melissa Phillips at the district office (360)988-4754


Non-resident acceptance into Nooksack Valley School District is for one academic year only. All non-resident student applications expire at the end of each academic year. Families must re-submit a transfer request form each year for continued enrollment in Nooksack Valley Schools.


Submission of the Choice Transfer Request does not guarantee admission into Nooksack Valley School District. You will be notified in writing once a decision has been made.


NOTE: Due to high enrollment counts, decisions regarding admission might not be made until the end of August.


NVSD Declaration of Intent to Homeschool

Dear Parent:

The following are procedures the Nooksack Valley School District will follow relative to SSB 3279, the "Home-Based Instruction Law":

  1. By September 15 each year, parents must fill out the "Annual Declaration of Intent to provide Home-Based Instruction form.”  The form is available at the District Office at Nooksack Valley Schools or electronically here.
  2. Parents are qualified to teach their own child(ren) at home if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • Parent has earned 45 or more college credit courses.
    • Parent has completed a course in home-based instruction at a post secondary or vocational/technical school.
    • The child(ren)'s education program and progress is supervised by a Washington State certified teacher.
  3. Parents are to give instruction and measure progress in the following subject areas:

a) Math

g) Reading

b) Science

h) Writing

c) Language Arts

i) Spelling

d) Social Studies

j) Occupational Education

e) History

k) Appreciation of Art and Music

f) Health

As a parent contemplating home-based instruction, you need to be aware that failure to comply with your duties as outlined above, may result in your being deemed in violation of RCW 28A.225, "Compulsory Attendance Law" and your child(ren) being classified as truant.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to consult with your building principal.

Matt Galley

Planning Resources for Education Ombuds Awareness (OEO)

The Washington State Office of Education Ombuds (OEO) listens, shares information and referrals, and works with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, please visit our website; email, or call: 1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available).


Enrollment - All Students

Interested in Transitional Kindergarten? Start here.



(Grades K-12)


Current families with active students enrolled in the district may register/enroll new students through Skyward Family Access by following these steps:       

  1. Login to Skyward Family Access.
  2. Use the dropdown arrow next to the Home Icon on the Family Access screen to select the New Student Enrollment
  3. Click on the correct school year button to enter the Enrollment portal
  4. Click on the Start button
  5. Compete all steps, then review and submit



(Grades K-12)


New students  to the district may register/enroll online by following the link below:

New student online enrollment

Click on the following Parent Tutorial for step-by-step instruction on completing the enrollment process

Parent Tutorial



We recommend that you download this form and save it to your computer to avoid losing information if you need to stop and return to it later. Once completed, the form can be emailed to the appropriate building Registrar/Contact from the chart below or printed and brought to the appropriate school.


Printable Registration Forms (Download prior to completing)



Upon receipt of the application, someone from your neighborhood school will review it and be in contact with you.

The following documents are required for registration:

  • Completed Application Packet
  • Proof of Age & Legal Name documents
  • Immunization Information
  • Transcript and withdrawal grades for incoming High School Students
  • Legal Documents as appropriate




enrollment tile


Have any questions?  Please contact your school's registrar:

School Phone & Fax Numbers   Contact 
Sumas Elementary (K-5)

Phone: (360) 988-9423

Fax: (360) 988-0005

Melanie Jensen

Everson Elementary (K-5)

Phone (360) 966-2030

Fax: (360) 966-0945

Richelle Newton

Nooksack Elementary (K-5)

Phone: (360) 966-3321

Fax: (360) 966-7512

Sandra Compton

NV Middle School (grades 6-8)

Phone: (360) 966-7561

Fax: (360) 966-7805

Liz Heeringa

NV High School (grades 9-12)

NV Reengagement (BTC Impact)

Phone: (360) 988-2641

Fax: (360) 988-2064

Alice Linterman