August 12, 2024
Greetings Parents and Families of NVMS Students,
Welcome to the new school year! We are excited to partner with you in ensuring that your child has a successful and positive school year. One of our primary goals this year is to increase attendance, as we know that consistent participation is key to academic success. Last year we showed growth in this area, but we still have a lot more growth to make. As a staff we also want to continue to grow in our ability to assess our students as learners, adjust as necessary and to ensure they are meeting grade level standards.
Equally important is our dedication to knowing your child as an individual. We recognize that each student is unique, with their own set of experiences, strengths, and challenges. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive, and engaging environment where your child feels valued and excited to learn. We believe that when students feel secure, known and seen, they are more likely to thrive both academically and personally. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, and we look forward to working together to make this year a great one!
Joel VanderYacht, Principal
Cristal Campos, Assistant Principal
Ready to Learn!
We are looking forward to meeting our middle school students on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 28th. The student day begins at 7:45 and students will be dismissed at 2:15. This letter includes information you will need to start the school year off right! Please read the information carefully and we encourage you to call the school at 966-7561 beginning the 21st of August with questions you may still have about the start of the school year.
All our forms are online, because access to the Middle School will be limited until the school year begins.
Students enter the Middle School in the morning through the East Door. You can drop your student off in the pull through area beside the gym in order to walk around the building to enter.
When picking up your student we ask that you pull all the way to the front of the loop so we can have as many cars as possible off the road. You are also welcome to park in the stalls in the front of the building while waiting for your child at the end of the school day.
The school office will open on the 21st of August, M-F from 8 am to 1 pm, sports clearance begins on August 22nd.
Cell Phone Policy Changes
This year we will be making a few changes to our school handbook. One of those changes will be that cellphones will not be allowed out on campus until the end of the school day at 2:15. This change is being made for several reasons as research is showing the many harmful effects of cellphones, social media, and the constant pressures those bring on our youth. We have had several incidents of students using their cellphones to post pictures (without permission), bully and harass other students while at school. With our focus on ensuring NVMS is a safe place for our students to grow and learn, we have made the decision to not have cell phones available during the school day. We hope you as parents will support us in this change as the intent is to make it easier for our teachers to teach and our students to learn.
A suggested book for any parent of a middle school student: The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
NVMS website:
The NVSD Website has a wealth of information, clearance forms, etc. As you navigate the site go to the Middle School page to access a variety of information.
The Nooksack School District will be providing basic school supplies for our students once again this year.
Staff Changes and Updates
This year the teaching staff at NVMS will be relatively unchanged from last year as we won’t be adding any new staff, only making a couple of changes to grade levels or positions. Mrs. Garza will be changing from teaching leave replacement positions in 7th grade and PE to teaching ELA full-time as a 6th grade teacher and Mrs. Tuttle will become a full-time Life Skills teacher.
Mrs. Henry will be our 7th and 8th grade counselor and Mr. Anderson will be teaching PE part time to start the year and then will take over for Mrs. VanderMeulen in November as she begins a maternity leave.
Faculty and staff of the middle school invite our Middle School students and parents to visit on Friday, August 23rd, from 2:30-3:30 for ice cream and a visit to our classrooms. This is a great opportunity to walk through the middle school, see where your child’s classroom will be and to meet staff members. We encourage all students to access their schedule on Skyward on Friday before visiting so you will know which teacher’s classrooms to stop by. We will have paper schedules available if needed. We encourage families to clear for sports during our office hours as the lines are very long at the clearance desk during the Open House.
This year our Parent-Student-Teacher conferences will be the first week of October. We will have more information in the weeks ahead about conferences as we will also be having Parent-Student-Teacher conferences in March as well.
On August 23rd, Skyward Family Access will be opened. Your student’s school schedule with your student’s classes along with other important items will be posted on Skyward. We will also have a paper copy available on Friday if needed. At the middle school, teacher teams plan for and teach a common group of students the ‘core’ curriculum or Integrated Studies which include Writing, Reading, Social Studies, Math, and Science. Students also receive physical education/health and a performing or visual arts class. Students are grouped and assigned to a team of teachers within each grade level. The team concept and the flexible four period day allow our teachers to know students well and will provide for in-depth study of the academic areas.
In addition, each student is also assigned to an Advisory and a WIN (What I need) class.
**Advisory is a small group of students (about 15 students), and a teacher/advisor that will meet two times per week to work on common school goals and activities. The goal of Advisory is to promote a sense of belonging and community for our students by nurturing positive relationships and working toward the common goal of having all Nooksack Valley students ready and prepared for college and successful careers.
**WIN provides targeted math and literacy classes for students and enrichment classes for students as well. These classes are assigned based on students’ achievement data. This year all students will be assigned an academic class and an enrichment class.
Included in this email is a list of teachers and room numbers. Elective and P.E. classes are scheduled as A or B, and the first day of school is an A Day. Staff and volunteers will help students read and understand schedule cards and daily schedules on the first day of school (schedules will only be available through Skyward the week before school starts, no schedules will be mailed home). Band instruments and PE clothes are not required on the first day of school.
On the first day of school, all 6th grade students will meet in the gym and will be escorted to their Advisory class. 7th and 8th grade students may simply report directly to their advisory class. We will be on an Advisory Schedule to start the school year.
Annual Student Update and Parent Square
Each year we ask parents and guardians to make sure their student’s information is updated. This is done through Skyward as our Annual Student Update. The window for this update closes later in October. Without correct mailing addresses, phone numbers and contact information you will not receive report cards or other informational mailings, and we may not be able to contact you in case of illness or emergency. Along with information updates, please complete the other forms and information requested each year. Please update!!
We use Parent Square for our communication home with families. You choose to set up the way in which the schools and teachers will communicate with you. It also helps us ensure we have accurate contact information. If you are not already signed up in Parent Square, please contact the Middle School office and we will help you with the process. If you have a student who has rolled up to a new school (elementary to middle), you may need to confirm this in Parent Square, look for a pop-up. This system also allows for two-way communication regarding absences, texting to teachers, emailing etc. Our goal is to provide one communication tool for our parents and teachers for all school activities.
Lockers - ASB Cards - Pictures- Physicals
The school office will open the 21st of August, M-F from 8 am to 1 pm. Sport clearance, paying fines and fees begins on August 22nd. During this time, you may pay fees and turn in sport clearance forms. Clearance forms are now available on our school website (NOOKSACK VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Forms ( We highly encourage you to access and complete your sports forms.
P.E. teachers will assign P.E. lockers to all students when they begin their P.E. class. Students are encouraged to label P.E. clothes and turnout clothing/equipment to reduce the risk of loss or theft. Bags and belongings can often become a storage problem, due to limited space. Please encourage your child to only bring what is needed to school.
Sixth grade students are required to have proof of a varicella (chicken pox) vaccination or history of the disease prior to the first day of school. No other physical exam is necessary unless a student is participating in the athletic program.
Associated Student Body (ASB) cards may be purchased for $30.00, in the school office beginning August 22nd, between 8 am to 1 pm. They may also be purchased during the first week of school (and throughout the year). ASB cards are required for participation in extracurricular activities and serve as a free pass into high school home athletic events.
All Breakfast and Lunch meals are Free this year.
Middle School Athletics Program
The first day of Middle School sports for 7th and 8th grade students is Wednesday, August 28th with the exception of football which will start on the Monday the 26th with a gear hand out evening (football coaches will send out information via Parent Square – please join the football Parent Square group if your child is interested in playing football). Students must be cleared before they may practice or receive gear.
Contact the office for clearance information or questions. Reminder: all clearance requirements MUST be completed before the first practice. All athletes must have a physical exam, (good for two years), insurance waiver (or purchase school insurance), signed athletic code, concussion forms, cardiac forms and fee clearance. These forms are available online (NOOKSACK VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL - Forms ( Students may not participate with any outstanding fees or fines.
Family Involvement/Volunteers
We welcome your participation at NVMS. There are different volunteer opportunities. We encourage your participation. Please feel free to call us at 966-7561 if you have any questions. Volunteers do need to complete a volunteer packet. Watch the weekly communication “NVMS Notes Home” for opportunities to attend volunteer orientations and sign-up for volunteer positions. Here are just a few of the ways you can be involved and provide help:
Social Media
We also have a Facebook group managed by our PTSA titled Nooksack Valley Middle School PTSA that will update some of the things happening with the PTSA.
Teacher Class Numbers/Teaching Teams
Please look at the lists closely as we have several new teachers due to growth, and many teachers have shifted the grade level they teach.
Grade/ Subject |
Teacher |
Room Number |
6th Grade Integrated Studies Team |
Mrs. Frazier
164 161 |
140 138 |
7th Grade Integrated Studies Team |
Mrs. Quarre |
214 |
Mr. VanDyken
212 215 235 |
Mrs. Schmidlkofer |
232 |
Mr. Pronovost |
233 |
8th Grade Integrated Studies Team |
Mrs. Wichers |
Mr. Bouma |
Mrs. Lambert Mrs. Johnston Mrs. Piasecki
238 236 208
Resource Room |
Ms. Perry Mrs. Woodrich
135 134 |
Life Skills ELL |
Mrs.Tuttle Ms. Brewster |
167 160 |
6-8 P.E |
Mr. AndersonMrs. VanderMeulen |
Gym Gym |
Mr. Skillman
6-8 Art |
Mr. McMain |
137 |
Choir/Band Steam |
Mr. Stewart Mrs. Peters |
110A/Stage 165 |
The first day of school is an ‘A’ day.
Looking forward to seeing you August 28th at Nooksack Valley Middle School.
Nooksack Valley Middle School * 404 W Columbia* Nooksack WA 98276 * 360-966-7561
Joel VanderYacht, Principal Cristal Campos, Assistant Principal Tom Harmon, Athletic Director
Maryann Holbrook, Counselor Lacey Henry, Counselor